Thursday, January 21, 2016

Images of a book of Biographical Sketches of the Members of Alanson Hamilton Post GAR now online

Book cover image used with permission and clipped from

  I have just become aware of a resource recently placed online at
Quaboag Research (Look under Military Resources.)  You may view the images of a wonderful book of sketches of Civil War Veterans who were members of the Alanson Hamilton Post of the GAR in West Brookfield.  These sketches include biographical, genealogical and war service information. The information was kept up to date into the 1930's and includes the names of many descendants of GAR members. Burial places are included, some with Section and Plot numbers. The original belongs to the Quaboag Historical Society.
  Be sure to check this out!
  You may also be interested to know that there is a similar book about Brookfield Civil War soldiers which may be found at the Merrick Public Library in Brookfield.
Thank you to Dan Hamilton for letting me know about this book.